a plate of brown butter chewy blondies made with fresh milled flour on a bamboo cutting board. in front of a glass baking pan with the rest of the blondies.
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Brown Butter Blondies Made With Fresh Milled Flour – Guaranteed Chewy!

Blondies made with fresh milled flour are amazing! But, have you tried making them with brown butter? Oh my, it takes it up a level, no it takes it up multiple levels! Also, you get to enjoy the heavenly aroma of browned butter while creating these. I love making this blondie recipe, just so I can fill my RV with this, almost intoxicating, glorious smell! My mouth is watering as I type this! So, let’s jump right to it, and get these babies in a kitchen near you today!

a plate of brown butter chewy blondies made with fresh milled flour on a bamboo cutting board. in front of a glass baking pan with the rest of the blondies.
Fresh, warm, & chewy brown butter blondies made with fresh milled flour.

What Is A Blondie?

A blondie is a type of dessert that is basically a brownie, but without the chocolate. Blondies are flavored with vanilla, and they can be enjoyed plain or with added ingredients such as chocolate chips, butterscotch, or nuts. The perfect blondie should be chewy and sweet, not soft and airy like a cake.

a rustic 9x13 pan of blondies made from fresh milled flour
Lining my baking pan with parchment paper gives me this rustic shape, and I am kinda there for it. Loving that rustic feel. This is the 9×13 size pan, I included directions for both this size and the 8×8 size.

Why Brown Butter?

Browning butter is actually a simple way to elevate many baked goods! It creates a beautiful aroma and flavor that can not be duplicated by anything else. Almost nutty or caramel-ly. But without any artificial ingredients or sugar… yet

What Is Brown Butter?

Browned Butter is the product after you have boiled the water out of the butter, and the butter solids start to toast, or turn brown. Hence the name Brown butter. It can be used in savory dishes like pastas, or in sweet dishes like cookies, and these blondies!

hand using a red spatula to stir browning butter
Browning Butter is such a wonderful way to elevate your baked goods.

How To Brown Butter?

The hardest part to browning butter is to stay close! It can bubble over quickly! Start with a pot much larger than the butter amount you want to brown. Put the pot on Medium to Medium-High heat, and keep stirring the butter. It will start to bubble, then foam. When it foams you will notice it climbing the pan, make sure to keep stirring at this point so it doesn’t burn. You should be able to smell the heavenly aroma. Once the butter solids have turned brown, remove from heat.

pouring brown sugar into a sauce pan of browned butter with a red spatula
Add the brown sugar into the warm browned butter, and mix.

Ingredients To Make Chewy Blondies With Fresh Milled Flour

  • 1/2 cup of butter 115g (1 stick) Use butter here, not margarine!
  • 1&1/2 cup brown sugar 320g
  • 1&3/4 cup fresh milled flour 210g (I milled 1&1/8 cup soft white wheat berries to get this.)
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • 2 tsp Vanilla Extract (I show you how to make your own homemade Vanilla Extract in this VIDEO.)
  • 2 Large eggs
  • *optional- 1 cup chocolate chips, nuts, or other add-ins.
Hand pouring wheat berries into a grain mill
I love milling my own flour for my baked goods, because I know we are getting nutrients! Also, I know what goes into my family’s food, and the less preservatives, the better!

Instructions To Make Fresh Milled Flour Blondies

  1. Firstly, to brown the butter- In a large pot (much larger than the butter amount you want to brown), on Medium to Medium-High heat, and put in the butter. Stay close, and stir often. It will bubble, then foam. When it foams you will notice it climbing the pan, make sure to keep stirring at this point so it doesn’t burn. Once the butter solids have turned brown, remove from heat.
  2. Add brown sugar & stir until combined. It may look a little greasy at this point, but that is normal. Set aside to cool to room temperature.
  3. While the butter/sugar are cooling, mill the flour.
  4. Add salt & baking powder to the flour and stir to combine.
  5. Preheat oven to 350*F.
  6. Grease or line a 9×13 pan. (If you want to bake in an 8×8, they will be thicker and need to bake for longer.)
  7. Add Vanilla & eggs to the cooled butter & sugar mixture, mix to combine.
  8. Then add flour mixture into the wet ingredients. Mix just until combined. Don’t over mix.
  9. If you want optional add-ins like chocolate chips or nuts, fold them in at this point.
  10. Pour & spread evenly in your lined or greased baking pan.
  11. Bake for 25-35 minutes for 9×13 (OR 30-40 minutes for a 8×8)
  12. Allow to cool completely before cutting! They will seem loose while they are hot, they will set up as they cool. Put a wire rack under the baking sheet to speed up the cooling process.
a 8x8 glass baking pan with fresh milled flour blondies uncut
I love how the outside has that thin crispy edge you can see, and a beautifully chewy interior. This batch was made in an 8×8. I have included directions for both this size and a 9×13 pan.

How To Store Blondies Made With Fresh Milled Flour

To Store The Blondies made with fresh milled flour, wrap up in beeswax cloths or cling film wrap and store on the counter for 3-5 days. The flavors keep getting better the next day! For long term storage, let them cool completely, slice, then put in a freezer safe container. They will last in the freezer for up to 6 months. To eat, just put on the counter for 1-2 hours to thaw.

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Check Out Some Of My Other Fresh Milled Flour Recipes

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Chewy Blondies With Fresh Milled Flour Printable Recipe

a plate of brown butter chewy blondies made with fresh milled flour on a bamboo cutting board. in front of a glass baking pan with the rest of the blondies.

The Most Chewy Blondies Made With Fresh Milled Flour

Blondies made with fresh milled flour are amazing! But, have you tried making them with brown butter? Oh my, it takes it up a level, no it takes it up multiple levels! Also, you get to enjoy the heavenly aroma of browned butter while creating these. I love making this blondie recipe, just so I can fill my RV with this, almost intoxicating, glorious smell!
5 from 3 votes
Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes
cooling time 1 hour 30 minutes
Total Time 2 hours 20 minutes
Course Dessert
Cuisine American
Servings 24 2×2 blondies


  • 1/2 cup butter 115g 1 stick Use butter here, not margarine!
  • 1&1/2 cup brown sugar 320g
  • 1&3/4 cup fresh milled flour 210g I milled 1&1/8 cup soft white wheat berries to get this.
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • 2 tsp Vanilla Extract
  • 2 Large eggs
  • *optional- 1 cup chocolate chips nuts, or other add-ins.


  • Firstly, to brown the butter- In a large pot (much larger than the butter amount you want to brown), on Medium to Medium-High heat, and put in the butter. Stay close, and stir often. It will bubble, then foam. When it foams you will notice it climbing the pan, make sure to keep stirring at this point so it doesn't burn. Once the butter solids have turned brown, remove from heat.
    hand using a red spatula to stir browning butter
  • Add brown sugar & stir until combined. It may look a little greasy at this point, but that is normal. Set aside to cool to room temperature.
    pouring brown sugar into a sauce pan of browned butter with a red spatula
  • While the butter/sugar are cooling, mill the flour.
    Hand pouring wheat berries into a grain mill
  • Add salt & baking powder to the flour and stir to combine.
  • Preheat oven to 350*F.
  • Grease or line a 9×13 pan. (If you want to bake in an 8×8, they will be thicker and need to bake for longer.)
  • Add Vanilla & eggs to the cooled butter & sugar mixture, mix to combine.
  • Then add flour mixture into the wet ingredients. Mix just until combined. Don’t over mix.
  • If you want optional add-ins like chocolate chips or nuts, fold them in at this point.
  • Pour & spread evenly in your lined or greased baking pan.
  • Bake for 25-35 minutes for 9×13 (OR 30-40 minutes for a 8×8)
  • Allow to cool completely before cutting! They will seem loose while they are hot, they will set up as they cool. Put a wire rack under the baking sheet to speed up the cooling process.



To Store The Blondies made with fresh milled flour, wrap up in beeswax cloths or cling film wrap and store on the counter for 3-5 days. The flavors keep getting better the next day! For long term storage, let them cool completely, slice, then put in a freezer safe container. They will last in the freezer for up to 6 months. To eat, just put on the counter for 1-2 hours to thaw.
Keyword blondie, blondies, chewy, chocolate blondie, fresh milled flour, freshly milled flour, whole wheat

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  1. 5 stars
    I made this recipe today with hard white and it did great! I used somewhere in the ballpark of 1/4 cup less flour and am very happy with the texture. I also used mostly vanilla extract with a little almond extract thrown in bc my husband loves that flavor and it was great. It was my first time browning butter and this recipe and your video were so helpful and the brown butter wasn’t as scary as I thought! Thanks!

    1. Yay! I am so happy to hear that! Yes, I was also intimidated to brown butter the first time I did it, because I only ever saw it on fancy cooking shows, etc. But, once I did it, I was hooked! Now, I know what to look for, and it is amazing! I like to use it in a lot of my recipes when I can. Thanks so much!

  2. 5 stars
    My husband and I just received our mill and berries as an anniversary gift to each other. So far, on the first day, I made some treats to celebrate including your brown butter blondies and your oatmeal cookies. They were a hit all around! We are hooked! I’ll be trying one of your cake recipes for my birthday in a few days. Thank you for easy-to-follow delicious recipes!

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