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Grains In Small Places Introduction – Whole Grain Fresh Milled Flour Recipes

Join me to learn more about whole grain fresh milled flour recipes! 

Welcome to Grains In Small Places! My name is Kara. My Family and I have been traveling the USA in an RV since 2015. We have learned the value of adding whole grains into our diet, and can attest to the health benefits they offer. But, getting started wasn’t easy. There is a huge learning curve to baking with freshly milled flour! I hope to pass along the info I have learned to other aspiring bakers out there.

I have taught myself through much trial and error! Don’t let anyone tell you that you are too old to learn a new skill, or that something is too hard. You can overcome it, just takes some persistence. My goal is to be able to pass on this knowledge to hopefully save you from such a long trial and error period, so you can have more time to enjoy life! So, get your mill and mixer out and let’s get to baking!


About Me

You can learn more about me, Kara, here

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Family Is One Of The Most Important Things In Our Life!

About Me Grains In Small Places Family

Why We Travel Fulltime?

We love to travel the US together as a family, exploring new places and learning so much along the way. Every area offers a unique culture and environment. We meet so many different people, and try so many new things! One of my favorite things about all the adventure, is our Travel Days! I just love the exciting thrill of a new destination, and seeing all the amazing sites in God’s Nature! Every area offers something different. From the Grazing Buffalo & Antelope in the Black Hills Area, to the Saguaro Cactus in the Sonoran Desert. We love the Mountains, and how each mountain range is different from each other. Visiting National Parks. From The Cooler Pacific Ocean with the high waves, to the Warmer Atlantic Ocean. Florida Gators, Bears, Mountain Lions, Coyotes, and Snakes, we love them all From a Distance, of course. Follow us along, as we share snippets of our Fulltime Travel Adventures, as we bring along our flour mill, and mixer!

Where To Start Milling Your Own Fresh Milled Flour

I recommend you start out watching my Fresh Milled Flour 101 video, and reading the post that goes with it. It is a great place to start and my answer many of your questions. But, the best thing to do, is just get started. You can do this!

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  1. Thank you so much Kara for providing these recipes, which I know is a result of your dedicated persistence in learning all you can. I am a beginner at milling my own grain; I haven’t even received the grain mill I ordered nor the wheat berries, etc, so I am trying to learn all I can now. I learned about this through a YouTube channel, Bread Beckers. I am amazed at the possibilities ahead of me. That said, I am 74 years old (and started cooking when I was 10 for family when my mother was at her job) and looking forward to eating live grained foods, providing nourishment that most all of us are missing, and hoping to pass this info on to my kids and grandkids so that they might have better health too. Again, thank you!

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