Firstly, Mill the flour (make sure to mill a little extra for your work surface for kneading later)
Add salt & sugar to your flour (after you have set aside the extra flour for kneading). Mix.
Make a well in the flour to add in the warm water. Then, pour the water into the well. Mix until it is all incorporated, and no dry flour is left.
Cover the bowl, and let it rest for at least 30 minutes.
After the initial rest, add the yeast, and mix to combine. Cover, and allow to rest 10 more minutes.
Then, turn the dough out on a lightly floured surface.
Knead the dough for about 100 stroked adding in small amounts of flour as needed. This step may take about 10 minutes. (Try not to add in too much flour, but enough that it is not a sticky gloppy mess. A little sticky is good.)
After the kneading period, cover and let it rise for 30-40 minutes at room temp.
Now that the dough has risen, put a little neutral oil on the work surface, and divide the dough in half. Shape into 2 mini baguette loaves making sure to have some surface tension on the top. (They should look smooth.)
Fill a small oven safe bowl or tray with about 2 cups of water. Place it in the bottom of your oven. This will create steam during the bake, and lengthen the rise time in the oven. (If you have a steam oven, you can skip this step.)
Line a baking sheet with parchment paper, and place the mini baguette loaves on them. Lightly spritz the loaves with some water just to moisten the exterior.
Then, using a sharp knife, cut slits on the top of the bread loaves to your liking. (I usually just do 3 at a slight diagonal.)
Put the bread into an unheated oven with the tray of water at the bottom. Preheat the oven to 400*F with the bread inside.
Bake for 25-35 minutes, until the loaves are firm on the exterior and the internal temperature reaches at least 190*F.
Take the bread out, and place it on a cooling rack right away to cool. Leave the tray of water in the oven to cool down before removing.